Учитись важко, а учить ще важче,
Але не мусиш зупинятись ти,
Як дітям віддаси усе найкраще,
То й сам сягнеш нової висоти.

Інтерактивні методи навчання

Prospective foreign language teachers’ professional training in higher educational institutions is currently based on the requirements set by a number of state documents, including the State National Program “Education. Ukraine: 21 Century” and the Ukrainian Law on Higher Education, as well as on the principles of the new language policy in Ukraine. Accordingly, the priority is given to interactive learning and teaching.
The analysis of learning viewed as a holistic process aimed at incorporating joint efforts by all the participants and information modes of teaching makes it possible to state that interactive learning and teaching should be implemented when training prospective foreign language teachers. Interactive learning and teaching implies an active and equal partnership of learners and teachers in the process of their joint activity. Moreover, we think that self-improvement, self-development and self-education need to be added to the characteristics of the phenomenon reviewed.
Addressing the problem of the selection of efficient techniques for training prospective foreign language teachers, the following characteristics of their training should be considered: dialogic approach, teaching styles and teacher’s roles. Dialogic approach presupposes using dialogue as a means of assimilating and constructing knowledge. The main interaction styles presuppose cooperation, co-creation, peer learning, competition and guidance. Among the roles of a foreign language teacher those of a facilitator, an instructional designer, a mediator, and an expert are singled out. The definitions of interactive techniques and the characteristics mentioned that have been analyzed give grounds for using interactive techniques in the 21 st century teacher training model.
Under the term interactive techniques we understand a complex of successive pedagogical operations and methods, consisting in active interaction and aimed at achieving pre-planned results in the process of learning a foreign language. Interactive techniques provide a collective complementary learning process centred on the participants’ cooperation and their active communication. When using interactive techniques, priority is given to interactivity and authenticity of communication carried out in a cultural context. We rely on the following types of interactive techniques: interactive techniques of cooperative and collaborative learning, case study and discussion techniques. It should be noted that all the types of the techniques under consideration can be potentially realized in face -to-face computer-mediated communication.
Interactive techniques of cooperative learning presuppose communication in small groups. The results of completing a task depend on the active participation of every student for they have definite roles and contribute toward goals set. Interactive techniques of this type include “Merry-go-round”, “Aquarium”, “A Circle of Ideas”, “Blender”, “Cubing”, “Joint Project”, “Web Quest” and others. Interactive techniques of collaborative learning engage learners in group communication, when they attempt to learn something together. “Brainstorming”, “Microphone”, “Jigsaw Puzzle”, “Looping”, “Discussion Clock”, “Running Dictation”, “Speed Dating”, “Teleconference” can be referred to this type of techniques. Case study interactive techniques are aimed at building interaction by including participants in the activities within specific real-life or constructed situations. Case study techniques include simulations and role plays. Discussion interactive techniques are used to collectively study controversial issues or situations in the process of interaction. A specific example of this type of techniques is a panel discussion of the problems suggested.
In the course of communication, participants can understand the essence of the issues discussed, start reflecting upon them, determine their roles regarding these issues, handle the arguments and clarify their values and beliefs. Discussion interactive techniques include group discussions on different topics and in different forms, for example, talk shows or debates.
So, the interactive learning techniques under consideration facilitate prospective foreign language teachers’ professional training. The problem of applying them when teaching in secondary schools is outlined for further research.

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